Vidrohi actor Sharad Malhotra feels that women-centric shows will continue to be made in 2022, but many stories will be male-centric as well.
"Television content has become progressive. People like fast paced drama, and story-telling has become vibrant. Producers will experiment with content in 2022 and for actors, it will be interesting to get such opportunities," he said.
Giving examples of Anupamaa and his show Vidrohi, he says that love triangles are surely in. "Women-centric shows will continue, but many stories will be male-centric as well," he said.
Now audiences have the option of OTT. Asked how television shows will bring the audience from OTT to TV, he said, "It is true that audiences have the option of OTT. It's a healthy competition, but TV will never go out of fashion. TV is like 'daal chawal' and the audience can't do without it. Television producers and channels are giving a wide variety of content to audiences, so OTT and TV will continue to co-exist."
According to him, love and family dramas will remain the flavour in 2022 as people love to watch drama mixed with entertainment. "As for sports-related stories, people prefer watching them on the big screen, just like the film 83," he said.
Sharad Malhotra