Sunday, October 17, 2021

Samikssha Bhatnagar’s first association with Delhi's prestigious LuvKush Ramlila this year.

 Playing Goddess Sita on such a prestigious stage brings its own set of challenges and excitement at the time. My theater experience comes handy this time as we perform on stage in front of live audience.

I am definitely super excited to play Sita but more than that, it is a great honour and lifetime opportunity to portray Mata Sita at such a grand stage. Devi Sita is indeed the ideal example of a woman and possesses all the good qualities that a traditional Indian woman. She was the ideal daughter to her parents, ideal wife to her husband, Ram, and the ideal mother to her twins, Luv and Kush.
I can only imagine Deepika Ji from Ramayan days and how wonderfully she portrayed the character, always so really inspiring. There are some great lessons to learn from Mata Sita, she was silent pillar of strength, it was her courage, chastity and adherence to Dharma (righteousness) that finally made her emerge the ultimate winner. 

Sita's journey have become benchmark for Indian women over time. Women Face The Same Challenges Today. Women, even now, were expected to bear the burden of life, tested again and again, almost as if they weren’t as human as men, with similar wishes, wants, and hopes. Through Sita's life journey, she showed how a strong woman should be and that she need never let go of her principles in life.

Taking Ramlila on digital platform comes as big respite for those families who wanted to enjoy the experience at the comfort of their homes. This definitely a good move to taking the grandeur of Ramlila to whole next level.

There are lot of interesting elements organisers have planned this year, from aerial event to social distancing sitting in wake of Covid19 they agreed to keep the celebrations low-key and we are hearing no effigy burning in city, part of Craker Ban and trying to keep it Green. Authorities making sure there is 100% mask compliance.

Ramlila craze has always been there in our country amongst all segments and age groups. New exciting avenues are explored inorder to keep the tradition upbeat.

Pandemic has been challenging times for everyone on all fronts, however health n fitness remains the focal point during these unprecedented times to keep the positive mindset and higher vibrations.

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